Wind: 5-10 knot SE
Current: Run out tide
Launch Point: Noosa Heads Lions Park
Participants: Eyetag
I launched and trolled a Gold Bomber to Ricky's only getting one Hairtail along the way. So I had a few drifts slow rolling Gladiator Prawns across the bottom from Ricky's down stream for about 300 metres,there was plenty of action, getting bitten off twice and two good fish putting me into snags. I managed to land 2 Flathead and 3 Big eye all around 40cm,all released. I also landed a nice Mangrove Jack and a Stargazer which is one species we don't see too often.
When I saw the sun was starting to rise I headed back to the Woods Bays and trolled a Gold Bomber hoping for another Jack but after an hour or so all I had was another Hairtail so I pulled the pin.
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